A group of us went to Hillcrest yesterday. We went and sold cloths at the resale shops and walked around in the rain. So after getting back to the car I suggested we go by Uncle Biff's and get a cookie. Knowing how much Owen LOVES cookies. So we pull into the parking lot, park and all get out of the car and file into the cookie shop. I asked Owen what he wanted and then all of a suddent he saids "I don't want one! I am not paying $1.50 for a cookie." Then turns and gos to the car. I was so embarrassed. So I picked out which one I was going to share with my friend and everyone else got a cookie and I even picked out one for Owen. So I get in that car and asked him what the big deal was. He replied by saying," They are a rip off and I will let that cookie rot before I eat it." We went on to have a bit of a tiff about this yummy cookie that Owen hated. I couldn't understand what was so wrong with a $1.50 cookie. Owen says, "It affends me that they charge $1.50 for one cookie, There for I won't eat it.
Well, It didn't rot. And he loved it!
You will have to make Owen a whole batch of chocolate chip cookies for Valentine's Day and put a big old price tag on them! After all, when you make them they are priceless, right? Yum yum
hilarious! that would have been me saying that and Ben would have been embarrassed! looks good though, i think i need to make cookies tonight!
I know we have our differences. Sometimes I dont understand the way your head works, and You dont always understand mine. But I just have to say, you are the most perfect women for my bullheaded-just- like-his-father brother. I love you for that... very much.
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