Is there an item or a food that if you ran out of it the whole house would stop! HONEY is a must in our house. I think Owen is addicted. It is fun to try all the different flavors of honey. Every honey is different. It depends of the region and what the bees have pollinated. That will give HONEY its unique taste. I thought you might laugh at how many sources of honey we have in our kitchen.
We have honey for baking, tea, and crystalized honey. As you can see we are in need of a refill.
Even honey still in the comb. You just cut a piece off and eat it like candy! Yummy!
We have honey for baking, tea, and crystalized honey. As you can see we are in need of a refill.
Even honey still in the comb. You just cut a piece off and eat it like candy! Yummy!
My dad used to have beehives and I LOVED eating the honey comb! Ah. Memories. We used to take the full honey bears around in our wagon and sell them to the neighbors.
Just remember- even though it is better for you it is still the same calories as sugar!!!
i love honeycomb honey! it's a bit more expensive, so it's an occasional treat for me. but now that i see it i want it again.
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