Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Worn out Welcome

We are loving our backyard and so was something else.  So we wanted to find out what was in our yard when we weren't.  Owen put a trap out and by 12:30 that night our friend was in a tight spot.  I am glad that he is gone as it loved our tomatoes as much as we did.  So now hopefully we are pest free.  The opossum is kinda cute. Owen said it didn't like ridding in the back of the pickup on its way to his new home.  I like sharing but not with him! 


Jessica Stier said...

That thing looks huge! You must be growing some yummy tomaters!

Bill and Alice Johnson said...

Oh MY Goodness! I'll bet you were surprised to find that thing in your yard! I hope he didn't eat all your tomatoes! He just wanted to be your pet...

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

Oh my goodness! That guy is cute but how scary! I'm scared to leave our puppy out all day -- I don't think we'll be doing the doggy door -- the Batsons have that hill in the back and we've seen foxes and stuff. I'm worried something might crawl in!!

Janet said...

Does 1 Possum equal 2 Racoons?
Possums are scary to me! Huge sharp teeth. And where was "his new home"?